Modern Tailor Suit Review

The package arrive with the suit stuffed in a box wrapped in tape.  It was not marked Modern Tailor and had suffered a lot of damage.  Out of the box the trousers were a bit to baggy and I prefer a much slimmer cut than most on the count of me being VERY skinny.  Some alterations were needed. I wasn’t to surpassed because from what I have read Modern Tailor is known for their shirts, not trousers.  


The jacket was a disaster.  It fit great in the shoulders and sleeves, which can be the biggest MTM problem areas, yet the chest and jacket length were at least two sizes too big.  The customer service team at Modern Tailor quickly answered my e-mail asking me to return the jacket with comments.  I did and then I waited for about one month for a package to arrive with my new jacket. It was slightly better but not great. I had it tailored on my own dime and now its a fair enough piece but still does not look like my favorite customs suits from an up and coming kickstarter brand. I will have a review of them soon. I am waiting for the guy who started the campaign to have time to talk to me about the company.   

Oh yeah, one more thing. The suit is not identified anywhere as being made by Modern Tailor. They take so little pride in their garment, or they outsource and ship it from some god forsaken place so far away that they cannot insert a simple tag with their brand on it. Sketchy.

I probably wouldn’t order another suit, but I did order a shirt which is their speciality. I will let you all know how that turns out.  

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