Mass Couture Custom Suit Review

This Review originally posted on Apptly Suited.

Mass Tailoring is a unique entity in the custom clothing industry. They offer suits made of various fabrics, with a variety of custom options, and at a fair price. The real oddity with this company comes in the form of their pricing structure. Suits start under $150.00, but if you think it’s to good to be true, it is. Mass Couture has first time buyers sign up for a membership of sorts where by you pay to belong to the site. THe amount varies from garment to garment but you’ll be lucky to get out done shopping for under $300. Not that $300 is a lot of money for a custom suit, but when it’s double what you originally thought you wold be spending… the premium is almost insulting.


Customer Service

Mass Couture’s customer service was easily reached by email. The staff seemed to be very knowledgeable and gave me insight and advice willingly. The only issue, as I have had with companies operating from “across the pond”, is that as soon as my product shipped the company stopped responding to my numerous attempts to contact them.

We Score Mass Couture Customer Service 2.5/5

Production Time

The production time was nearly 6 weeks. That is on par with astor and black, however the A&B garment was fully canvased and beautifully made, the Mass Couture suit fell short of impressing me and again… 6 weeks for a fused suit is not going to cut it in a world where Indochino exists.

We score Mass Couture Production Time 2/5


Fair. For the price one cannot set their expectations to high. Also worth mentioning, the online 3D designer that you use to customize your suit really does show a good interpretation of the finished product, so Mass Couture gets a nod from me on that. Kudos.

We score Mass Couture Quality 2.5/5


The fit is way off. I ordered a white suit and the jacket looks more like a lab coat than a suit jacket. The pants are alright though, no complaints their. Usually I would blame the measurements that I allowed someone else to take, but I used the measurements from iTailor that contributed to receiving a suit that was far to small, and yet I ended up with an overflowing coat this time around.

We Score Astor and Black Fit 2.5/5

Misleading. The price of suits differs form fabric to fabric. But whatever price you think you have found add about $200 to it for the “membership” fees and for shipping (why not include that to begin with, then mark it as free shipping?) and also for credit card fees.
We Score Astor and Black Price 2/5
Overall Score: 4.6/10
You’ll Love Mass Couture If:
  •  You like building your suit with a 3D interface
Mass Couture is Not For You If:
  • You like attentive customer service

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